Bring clarity to questions about your health, career, relationships and more.

Book Your Personal Numerology Reading Today

Readings are available in person (in and around the Edmonton area) and by phone, Zoom, or email.

Your personal reading is available in French or English.


What is Numerology?

Numerology is the study of numbers and their vibrational patterns. It can be used to determine your strengths and talents, to predict some of life’s challenges and to help you develop strategies to deal with them. Numerology can also help you understand your inner potential, address recurring problems and help you to learn new ways of dealing with them. You can use numerology to examine your life, take advantage of unexplored opportunities, confirm your talents or simply figure out where to go next.

Book your personal reading today and learn to better understand yourself and your loved ones.

Disclaimer – Just as a doctor cannot guarantee your healing, nor can an attorney guarantee that you will win a court case, a numerologist cannot guarantee 100% accuracy or client satisfaction. All information is offered on a “best intent” basis, and we disclaim any personal, financial, or legal liability for actions taken by you, the reader, or your clients, based upon numbers information. Numerology has its limitations; it can only indicate tendencies, inclinations and potentials, and not certainties. Use your own good judgment and common sense, combined with your understanding of the significance of numerological influences when making decisions.