Find your perfect partner with numerology

What personal qualities in a partner can help you build the relationship of your dreams? The success or failure of your intimate relationship has more to do with the day you were born than you may realize. Your Middle Minor* determines how you deal with conflict, make decisions and solve problems.

Water Groupers ** do not want interference from anyone else when they have decisions to make. They should marry other Water Groupers. They prefer to solve their own problems and are irritated by advice and discussion.

When the more social forces of an Air Grouper *** or Fire Grouper **** marry a Water Grouper, they can feel ignored or rejected when their partner takes long walks alone in the woods, works in the garage or spends long periods of time in contemplation. Air Groupers and Fire Groupers can sense when their spouse is going through a tough time and they want to help. However, if their partner is a Water Grouper, they will be met by the lone wolf nature of their mate and only the gift of silence, space and freedom will allow the answers to come.

Can we conclude then that the more social qualities of Air Groupers and Fire Groupers are better matched? Learn from my mistakes. I am an Air Grouper and twice I married Fire Groupers. As an Air Grouper, I am inspired into action. I go to work because I love to learn. I bounce out of bed in the morning, like a child ready to meet the day.

Before Fire Groupers put their time and money into any endeavor, they carefully research and compare income and benefits that might come with proposed changes. Fire Groupers consider what the neighbors would think about their plan before they make a decision.

To a Fire Grouper, Air Groupers are scattered and illogical. For an Air Grouper, marriage to a Fire Grouper feels like a wet blanket is wrapped around their dreams.

In the end, it is easier to be married to someone with the same Middle Minor as you. Check it out for yourself. Determine the Middle Minors of the couples you know. Which ones have a spontaneously warm and understanding relationship? Which relationships are a little testy? And stranger still, how many couples have you seen split up at the age of 27, the year we hit our Middle Minors?

While Middle Minors are the most important aspect to maintaining a relationship, the inner potential number is also significant. There will be more to come on this soon, or get in touch to request a reading.

*Your day of birth. For example, if you were born on December 9, 1988, your Middle Minor is 9.
** Anyone born to a day of birth that reduces to a 1, 5 or 7.
***Anyone born to a day of birth that reduces to a 3, 6 or 9.
**** Anyone born to a day of birth that reduces to a 2, 4 or 8.

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