by Rae | Apr 27, 2014 | Uncategorized |
Instructions for Calculations Language and Form: Language is based on the consistent structure of the alphabet. The value of each letter is determined by its position relative to all other letters. Language is the symbolic representation of physical life. However, although language, naming things and situations, symbolizes form, it is in itself form. Names: Naming a child at birth, or changing one’s name through marriage, by choice, or other circumstance, creates a form-based identity that affects the structure of the cells and determines thought patterns through which the person will perceive this world. Key Chart: Use the key chart for name analysis: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Notice that the A, the J, and the S are under the 1 in the chart and thus hold the quality of one. The B, the K, and the T likewise, are in the 2nd column and have the quality of two, and so on. Vowels, the Soul Level: Vowels, sounds coming ultimately from the solar plexus, have a more intense vibration of their particular quality. The combination of vowels forms the soul level of the name: 1 5 Example: C A R M E N A=1 + E=5 Total = 6 soul Consonants and Expression: Adding the combination of the consonants to the soul level, identifies the vibration of expression: C A...
by Rae | Apr 27, 2014 | Education |
At least three or four times a year teachers complete report cards and individualized program plans. While it can take an inordinate amount of time to complete these comprehensive reports, I often hear teachers say, “It’s the personal development comments that take the most time.” Numbers offer a precise and accessible tool for identifying an individual’s Learning style Special interests Personality traits Preferred ways to solve problems NUMBERS OFFER A PRECISE AND ACCESSIBLE TOOL FOR IDENTIFYING AN INDIVIDUAL’S LEARNING STYLE, SPECIAL INTERESTS, PERSONALITY TRAITS AND PREFERRED WAYS TO SOLVE PROBLEMS Here’s your chance to try it out. Take a group of any five students from your classroom and calculate the vibrations of their names and birth dates (to learn how to calculate the number vibrations click here). Check out their numbers on the basis of the following three positions: Inner potential number (from the combination of the month, day and year of birth): Rugged, self-reliant, competitive; this force affects the physical head region and body extremities Diplomatic, supportive, verbal learner, flexible and intuitive; this force affects the bladder and kidneys Musical, artistic, uplifting, inspiring, emotional, warm-hearted, excellent sense of smell, child-like and loves children; this force affects the liver, skin and pancreas Hard-worker, problem-solver, stamina; this force affects the digestive system Critical thinker, keen observer, active learner, will take a dare; this force affects the solar plexus Decisive, loves learning, self-taught, keen mind, worries; this force affects the mind Writer; technology, nature and electrical interests; intuitive / channel; does not appreciate superficial conversation; this force affects the heart, lungs and bronchial area Excellent memory, global perspective, organizer / manager;...
by Rae | Apr 19, 2014 | Business |
If you have been studying investments for some time and you are willing to take a certain risk, add this to your list of investment strategies. Find out the full name and the incorporation date of the business you want to invest in (this may be on the company website or available through Corporate Registries). There are three reasons for doing this: 1) Never invest in a business that hasn’t already been around for at least 3 years. The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd year cycles are a seeding period and the 4th year can be problematic if the company didn’t find a firm foothold in the seeding period. 2) Calculate the cycle the business is currently in (to learn how to calculate cycles, click here). 3) Calculate the full name of the company (to learn how to calculate names click here). If the vibration comes to an expression of 6 or 8 (or even a 7 if it is an internet technologies company) it is more likely to have greater longevity and be a better investment for you. IF THE VIBRATION COMES TO AN EXPRESSION OF 6 OR 8 (OR EVEN A 7 IF IT IS AN INTERNET TECHNOLOGIES COMPANY) IT IS MORE LIKELY TO HAVE GREATER LONGEVITY AND BE A BETTER INVESTMENT FOR...
by Rae | Apr 19, 2014 | Home and Family |
You love your cat but she talks nonstop. Not only at meal times but throughout the day and it’s not always endearing. Why is it that some cats are more vocal than others? Would you be willing to change her name to find out? Our beautiful Devon Rex came to us with a 9-2-2 name (To learn how to calculate name vibrations, click here). She had a sweet face and she loved people but she meowed incessantly. So my daughter and I put our heads together and came up with a new name for our kitten. To really see the effects, we chose an opposite expression. We called her Milu (3-7-1). Because she was only 6 months old, the shift was swift and dramatic. Within two to three days, Milu began to change from being a clingy, chatty cat who wound around my ankles even when I went downstairs with the laundry hamper, to an independent observer, watcher and mouser. For the rest of her life I honestly didn’t hear a full out meow from Milu unless she was under stress or in heat. It’s crazy stuff doing numerology on animals. Time and again, I’ve tried it out on cats, dogs and horses. Stay tuned for future blogs on other stories of animals and numerology. Tell me about your experiences in the comments...
by Rae | Apr 19, 2014 | Home and Family |
If the numbers and letters on your new license plate reduce to 5, get another plate (To learn how to calculate number vibrations, click here). A 5-vibration draws more edgy energy towards it. If 5 is the vibe of your car’s license plate, you are liable to encounter more close calls at intersections, catch yourself speeding or be in the middle of a risky situation on the road. But in all likelihood, as long as you have that license plate, you won’t have that car for long anyway; 5-energy is about change. Most license plates are made up of numbers and letters. When calculating a motor vehicle license plate, tally the vibration of the letters with the numbers and reduce the total to a single digit. Ideally, you should ask for a combination of letters and numbers that comes to 6. While you could pay extra for a specific message, this isn’t necessary. Simply ask the nice lady at Registries what plate numbers are available. Take a moment to calculate them and pick the one that comes to a...