Instructions for Calculations

Instructions for Calculations   Language and Form:   Language is based on the consistent structure of the alphabet. The value of each letter is determined by its position relative to all other letters. Language is the symbolic representation of physical life. However, although language, naming things and situations, symbolizes form, it is in itself form. […]

Amazing secrets of assessment

At least three or four times a year teachers complete report cards and individualized program plans. While it can take an inordinate amount of time to complete these comprehensive reports, I often hear teachers say, “It’s the personal development comments that take the most time.” Numbers offer a precise and accessible tool for identifying an […]

Consider a new take on investments

If you have been studying investments for some time and you are willing to take a certain risk, add this to your list of investment strategies. Find out the full name and the incorporation date of the business you want to invest in (this may be on the company website or available through Corporate Registries). […]

Cat won’t shut up?

You love your cat but she talks nonstop. Not only at meal times but throughout the day and it’s not always endearing. Why is it that some cats are more vocal than others? Would you be willing to change her name to find out? Our beautiful Devon Rex came to us with a 9-2-2 name […]

Find your perfect partner with numerology

What personal qualities in a partner can help you build the relationship of your dreams? The success or failure of your intimate relationship has more to do with the day you were born than you may realize. Your Middle Minor* determines how you deal with conflict, make decisions and solve problems. Water Groupers ** do […]

What did you name your new baby?

It’s a beautiful day at a quiet inlet on the west coast. Several families are enjoying a momentary “home” on their blankets in the sunshine. I am seated in a comfortable spot talking with my mentor, Clayne Connings. Suddenly a tiny girl streaks past us, headed straight for the water. “Emma!” A mother’s agitated voice […]

How Can Numerology Help You?

Numbers information provides a basic understanding of the vibrations of form that run through all of us. A person who is depressed or experiencing physical illness


About Rae Hankens, M.Ed

Rae Hankens has been teaching and studying numerology for over 20 years. For 13 of those years Rae has taught numerology at Grant MacEwan University. Bringing her love and understanding of numbers and their vibrational patterns to students enrolled in the Holistic Health Practitioners program where students learn to use numerology to analyze clients and aid in the creation of client profiles.

Book your reading today and learn to better understand your inner needs, emotional tendencies, inner potential, strengths and weaknesses. Your numerology reading is a chance to examine your life, take advantage of unexplored opportunities, confirm your talents or simply figure out where to go next.