by Rae | Apr 27, 2014 | Education |
At least three or four times a year teachers complete report cards and individualized program plans. While it can take an inordinate amount of time to complete these comprehensive reports, I often hear teachers say, “It’s the personal development comments that take the most time.” Numbers offer a precise and accessible tool for identifying an individual’s Learning style Special interests Personality traits Preferred ways to solve problems NUMBERS OFFER A PRECISE AND ACCESSIBLE TOOL FOR IDENTIFYING AN INDIVIDUAL’S LEARNING STYLE, SPECIAL INTERESTS, PERSONALITY TRAITS AND PREFERRED WAYS TO SOLVE PROBLEMS Here’s your chance to try it out. Take a group of any five students from your classroom and calculate the vibrations of their names and birth dates (to learn how to calculate the number vibrations click here). Check out their numbers on the basis of the following three positions: Inner potential number (from the combination of the month, day and year of birth): Rugged, self-reliant, competitive; this force affects the physical head region and body extremities Diplomatic, supportive, verbal learner, flexible and intuitive; this force affects the bladder and kidneys Musical, artistic, uplifting, inspiring, emotional, warm-hearted, excellent sense of smell, child-like and loves children; this force affects the liver, skin and pancreas Hard-worker, problem-solver, stamina; this force affects the digestive system Critical thinker, keen observer, active learner, will take a dare; this force affects the solar plexus Decisive, loves learning, self-taught, keen mind, worries; this force affects the mind Writer; technology, nature and electrical interests; intuitive / channel; does not appreciate superficial conversation; this force affects the heart, lungs and bronchial area Excellent memory, global perspective, organizer / manager;...