by Rae | Apr 27, 2014 | Uncategorized |
Instructions for Calculations Language and Form: Language is based on the consistent structure of the alphabet. The value of each letter is determined by its position relative to all other letters. Language is the symbolic representation of physical life. However, although language, naming things and situations, symbolizes form, it is in itself form. Names: Naming a child at birth, or changing one’s name through marriage, by choice, or other circumstance, creates a form-based identity that affects the structure of the cells and determines thought patterns through which the person will perceive this world. Key Chart: Use the key chart for name analysis: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Notice that the A, the J, and the S are under the 1 in the chart and thus hold the quality of one. The B, the K, and the T likewise, are in the 2nd column and have the quality of two, and so on. Vowels, the Soul Level: Vowels, sounds coming ultimately from the solar plexus, have a more intense vibration of their particular quality. The combination of vowels forms the soul level of the name: 1 5 Example: C A R M E N A=1 + E=5 Total = 6 soul Consonants and Expression: Adding the combination of the consonants to the soul level, identifies the vibration of expression: C A...
by Rae | Apr 19, 2014 | Uncategorized |
Why do some people have more opportunities to progress than others do? They look around at the problematic situations in so many people’s lives and wonder, “Why is life so hard for some folks?” Why shouldn’t they? Opportunities come their way. They decide to sell their products or services and buyers come. Their stress is: which contract to accept, how to prioritize advertisements and how much to increase their income on the next job proposal. Eight in the destiny position brings in the harvest on a more regular basis. Let’s run a few of the top names for income and opportunity through the MAGIC NUMBER calculator and see if we can discover some patterns: The top two income earners on the Forbes List: Bill Gates 6-9-6 Warren Buffet 5-1-6 The four highest paid film actors: Keanu Reeves 6-3-9 Bruce Willis 8-7-7 Tom Cruise 5-1-6 Will Smith 9-8-8 The two top earning companies: Wal-Mart Stores 4-9-4 Exxon Mobil 8-8-7 Remember that the middle number doesn’t affect the vibration on its own, but instead is added into the first to create the last number or expression of each name. Take a look at the first and last numbers in the lists above. Every one of these names has either a 6 or an 8 in it. (Except for Wal-Mart Stores which is a solid 4. Four denotes the combination of routine, process and materiality. Over time, the 4 will succeed. It is not an innovative or creative force, but offers the predictable and familiar.) When the 6 or the 8 are in the overall or destiny position of the names, as...
by Rae | Apr 19, 2014 | Uncategorized |
It’s a beautiful day at a quiet inlet on the west coast. Several families are enjoying a momentary “home” on their blankets in the sunshine. I am seated in a comfortable spot talking with my mentor, Clayne Connings. Suddenly a tiny girl streaks past us, headed straight for the water. “Emma!” A mother’s agitated voice calls out. There is a flurry of activity and Emma’s mother brings her back to the family blanket with the intention of finishing their lunch. We laugh as four more times in the next 6 minutes, Emma’s name is called out and she is off again in some new direction that will need immediate supervision. The name “Emma” is a 6-8-5, a vibration that propels the child into activity that is rapid and often risky. Her mind is never at rest; her desire to learn (but not be taught), insatiable. Her body finds it very hard to sit still. In fact, the more anyone says, “No,” or, “Don’t,” the more her 5 expression fights the restrictions with, “Just watch me!” We name our children for many reasons but rarely with a conscious awareness of how the name we give them will shape their thoughts and their lives. Until I read Connings’ book, Miracle of Names, I hadn’t considered this either. We name our children for many reasons but rarely with a conscious awareness of how the name we give them will shape their thoughts and their lives. Now when a new parent introduces me to their little “Justin” (a 3-9-3 name) I say, “He’ll be busy.” But I’m thinking “scattered” is more like it....
by Rae | Mar 4, 2014 | Uncategorized |
Numbers information provides a basic understanding of the vibrations of form that run through all of us. A person who is depressed or experiencing physical illness has identified with negative vibrations of thought. Such thoughts can become beliefs and begin to form identity. However, maintaining such beliefs prevents the return to health and wholeness. Fortunately, beliefs can change. Negative thinking manifests through the number vibration as inaction, procrastination, a lack of focus, lack of vision, dangerous activity, laziness, isolation, manipulation, and self-pity. Yet, through action to maintain balance in our lives, our positive thoughts will also manifest through the numbers as creativity, openness, friendship, progress, positive change, meaning, understanding, self worth, and compassion. It is our task within community to appreciate one another’s challenges and facilitate another way of looking at a problem. Finally, the numbers provide vital information for a beneficial interaction to...